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Found 976 machines on the part of: 1 [ 2 ] 3 4 5  ...  49
MIDNr Designation Manufacturers Model Characteristics Picture
20472 air pressure whiskH?NSELfor aerating toffee, marshmallow masses, etc.air pressure whisk for marshmallows
29882 air pressure whiskMONDOMIXB25capacity 750 up to 3.000 kgs/hrair pressure whisk for miscellaneous
28971 air pressure whiskMORTONAPW 200capacity 220 l, dimensions 1960 x 1000 x 1800 mmair pressure whisk for angels kisses
29898 air pressure whiskTANISRP 3000capacity up to 3.000 kgs/hr, year 2011air pressure whisk for miscellaneous
29928 air pressure whiskTREFA1100year 2005air pressure whisk for angels kisses
28869 air pressure whiskMONDOMIXVA 15Loutput 150-450 kg/hair pressure whisk for marshmallows
20584 air-conditioning plantCarrier30RPS, CEPIyear 2018, for candy productionair-conditioning plant for foodstuff
26902 almond scalding machineMASETOoutput 1 to/halmond scalding  machine for marzipan
29877 angular movement friction welding machineKALLFASSKC 5040/450 Universalyear of manufacture 2000angular movement friction welding machine for chocolate
43185 ascending conveyorHellings1000 mmascending conveyor for candies
26685 asymmetric moved mixerGLADIATORMY 7/4743capacity 300 l,asymmetric moved mixer for powders
20756 bag clip sealing machineKREMERS60 K/Mcapacity max. 60 bags/minbag clip sealing  machine for miscellaneous
71269 bag clip sealing machineOPTIMACHcapacity 30 bags/min.bag clip sealing  machine for miscellaneous
42692 bag clip sealing machineOPTIMACH 2 aoutput up to 50 bags/min.bag clip sealing  machine for
43045 bag clip sealing machineUNBEKANNT UNKNOWNf?r gro?e Kupferklammernfor stapling with bigger cupper staples,bag clip sealing machine for miscellaneous
25502 bag clip sealing machineTH?RLINGS70 Boutput 60 pcs./min.bag clip sealing machine for miscellaneous
20590 bag closing machineSIEBLER G?RINGS4 695capacity: 30 up to 60 bags/minbag closing machine for powders
29938 bag fill-seal machineMBP10 TESTE S, CTC 400Fwith 2 x formart tubesbag fill-seal machine for miscellaneous
20587 bag form-fill-seal machineROVEMAVPbag form-fill-seal machine for miscellaneous
29354 bag packing lineROVEMAVPfor bags L 50 mm-400 mm, B: 50 mm-200 mmbag packing line for miscellaneous

Found 976 on the part of: 1 [ 2 ] 3 4 5  ...  49